
Is Money From Social Security For An Adopted Child Considered Income

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Families who receive adoption assistance payments for their children often have questions most how adoption assist interacts with other financial back up programs. Because adoption assistance is not considered taxable income by the IRS*, families may think that information technology will not count equally income for other government programs.  But each programme is dissimilar and many do count adoption assistance—or a part of it—every bit income. Below we share information about some common back up programs.

Department eight Housing Plan — $480 per child per year of adoption help is counted as family income.

Source: The HUD Occupancy Handbook, accessed March 2015, states, "Adoption assistance payments in backlog of $480 are not counted" in determining almanac income. (accessed April 2015)

Free Awarding for Federal Pupil Help (FAFSA) — Foster care or adoption assistance payments are non considered income. Note that for young people who were in foster care at age xiii or older, adoptive parents' income is not counted at all. These youth file as independent students.

Source: In the 2015-2016 FASFA application, this language is on line 45. c. Student'south Untaxed Income and 94. c. Parent'due south Untaxed Income. (accessed April 2015)

Filling out the FAFSA Chapter 2, this language is on page AVG-18. (accessed April 2015)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan (SNAP or food stamps)— Adoption assistance is included in family unit income calculations.  The law specifically prohibits states from excluding adoption assistance payments in income calculations.

Source: Code of Federal Regulations, vii CFR 273.(c)(19)(iii) states, "The State agency shall not exclude: … Benefits under Title I, Ii, 4, X, XIV or XVI of the SSA, including supplemental security income (SSI) benefits, TANF benefits, and foster intendance and adoption payments from a authorities source;" http://world wide (accessed Apr 2015)

National School Lunch and Breakfast Program — Adoption help is considered part of the family'south income. All children in foster care are automatically eligible for the program. Children adopted from foster care during the school twelvemonth will remain eligible for the year considering determinations are washed on an annual basis. In the new year, the eligibility decision volition be based on the adoptive parents' income, including any adoption assistance payments..

Source: Eligibility Manual for School Meals: Determining and Verifying Eligibility states, " An adopted child for whom a household has accepted legal responsibleness is considered to exist a member of that household. If the adoption is a 'subsidized' adoption, which may include children with special needs, the subsidy is included in the total household income." (See Part 4D: Questions and Answers.) http://world wide (accessed April 2015)

Low Income Home Free energy Assist Programme (LIHEAP or heating or cooling assistance) — For this program, the answer depends on each state bureau's rules on excluding income.  Families whose members participate in certain other do good programs, such equally the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or sure needs-tested veterans' benefits may be automatically eligible.

Although nosotros do not know every country'due south rules, we practise know that Alabama, Alaska, and New Hampshire do count adoption assistance equally income for their state LIHEAP programs. (If you know your state's rules, please email, and we'll add it to this fact sail.)

Defalcation (Affiliate 7 or 13) — Adoption assistance is not included as income if information technology is Championship 4-East or Title IV-B funded. If the adoption assist agreement is state or non-IV-Due east funded, then it should be included as income.

Sources:  Chapter 7 Grade B 22A1, Argument of Your Current Monthly Income, line ten, Income from all other sources not listed higher up — "Practise not include any benefits received under the Social Security Act …." (accessed April 2015)

Affiliate 13 Form B 22C1, Statement of Your Electric current Monthly Income, line 10, Income from all other sources not listed above — "Do not include any benefits received under the Social Security Human activity …."   http://world wide (accessed April 2015)

*Revenue Ruling 74-153, which is mentioned at, notes that state payments to adoptive parents for the support and maintenance of their adoptive kid are general welfare payments not includible in the recipients' gross income.

For more data, contact NACAC's Adoption Subsidy Resource Centre at 800-470-6665, 651-644-3036 or

The Center is funded in role past the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.


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